Imani Buro Robert, Uganda

My name is Imani Buro Robert I’m from the Democratic Republic of Congo living in Uganda since 2013, I’m the co-founder of NLDA(New Hope in Languages and Development Association) in western Uganda and I'm working as a Coach in AVSI Uganda in the USAID Graduating to Resilience funded project from April 2018 up to NLDA i always work as the communication officer and our intervention is in terms of education, we offer education services to adult refugee women who had no chances of attending schools in their country of origin, to be able to read, write, count.

Functional Adult Literacy/FAL Project: This project which is under Education wishes to offer the refugee population and other members of the host, to attend language courses to enhance their language skills and / or promote and foster integration. It will offer three main courses: English to adults with language barriers, French and Swahili to humanitarian staff and host community members desiring to learn and improve their delivery quality in communicating with clients, and literacy and numeracy to adults of whom women representing 80%.


Isaac Chitenta, Zambia


Christine Vihishima, Nigeria