Lerato Kossie
Nationality: South African
Living in: Johannesburg, South Africa
Programmes: ILP 2005
Since the ILP in 2005 a lot has changed and shifted for me. I left Educo 2010 and went to work for National Peace Accord in Johannesburg. I must say working with ex-combat was a life changing experience for me as I got to understand the staff. These young man and women have gone through much in life. I facilitated a wilderness eco-therapy for the ex-combat. In 2011 I moved back to Cape Town.
Currently I am organising to have my own NGO working with people from underprivileged communities, working with youth in violence in my country. I just want to say being part of the bigger circle and partaking in the WYSE programme, has made me to never look back in my life. Always trying to revive opportunities. WYSE programme had awakened something in me that I never thought I had.
I enjoy staying in contact with you guys, hoping and wishing that we can see each other in my country.
Lerato Kossie