Support us
Supporting young leaders to face global challenges
Over half the world’s population is under the age of thirty, 90% of which live in developing countries, all are facing huge global challenges. Your donations makes the young leaders’ growth that happens on a WYSE programme possible. 100% of donations go directly to bursaries to support participants mainly from the global south to attend our programmes, helping young leaders reach their potential.
Since 1990, thousands of emerging leaders from more than 120 countries have attended the WYSE International Leadership Programme, enabling them to make positive differences in their communities and beyond. Our alumni have lifelong friendships that inspire a sense of global citizenship and suppport cooperation and a global network of individuals with the desire, drive and capacity to make a positive impact in the world. They have a deeper understanding of their own leadership potential and a clearer vision and a plan of action of how they want to make a difference in the world.
Our leadership programmes are staffed by a dedicated body of professionals who give their time on a voluntary basis. We are therefore in the fortunate position to carry very low operating costs.
Your donations allow us to support more young people
Provide funding to young leaders to attend our programmes, helping us reach the most talented young leaders, regardless of their economic status. We receive at least 10 applications for every place on our International Leadership Programme.
To help us expand our online presence and reach more emerging leaders from all over the world, we have developed the WYSE Global Change Makers Programme which provides coaching for emerging leaders working on UN Sustainable Development Goals.
All our programmes have gender parity, and typically involve participants from over 20 different countries, your support will help us increase the number of participants from the global south through bursaries and outreach.
We aim to increase the number of programmes that we run in different parts of the world to help us support more young people from different backgrounds. We continue to develop our diverse volunteer staff team to meet our ambitious growth targets.
We are committed to making sure that your money is used in the way that you want it to be. If you want to specify your donation please contact info@wyse-ngo.org
What our alumni say
Help us support emerging leaders for global change
Individual donors
Support the work of WYSE International by donating below, please consider making a regular month donation which provide the charity stability. All donations are used to fund bursaries for participants to attend our programmes, the majority of our bursaries are given to people in the global south.
United Kingdom
Payroll matched giving
Ask your employer if they have a payroll giving scheme, meaning every donation you make is matched by your employer. Learn more about matched giving here.
Inside Out
100% of the profits of David M. Kolb’s book Leading from the Inside Out are donated to WYSE International. Click here to purchase.
Corporate sponsorship
We partner with companies with shared values who want to make a positive impact in the world. Our corporate partners enable us to provide more opportunities to people from developing nations to attend our programmes. Socially responsible organisations tell us they support WYSE because of the:
Positive effects on company morale, they feel like they've helped someone and made a difference.
Ability to provide strategic support for a young leader in a community that is important for the company
A focus on charitable company activities and corporate social responsibility.
Alignment between company values and the values of WYSE.
If there is another way you feel you might be able to help us to support more young leaders please get in touch info@wyse-ngo.org.
“Our company is committed to supporting WYSE and it’s mission to help young leaders make a difference in their communities. Our whole company is involved and it is inspiring for us all that we are supporting young people who are making such a significant difference in leading others to make this world a better place.”
Donations / Sponsorship
We welcome corporate donations at any level including:
Sponsor a participant to attend a programme, you can chose to specify the area a young person is working on e.g climate change, education, equal rights etc.
Sponsor a full International Leadership Programme. This donation would allow up to 30 people from around the world to form a learning community and support each other long term. You would be welcome to attend a part of the programme and meet the participants, and thank you publicly on our website and social media.
WYSE Corporate Sponsorship Programme
Join our WYSE Corporate Sponsorship Programme. Companies can support fund someone from their own company to attend an International Leadership Programme and at the same time sponsor 3 people from a disadvantaged background.
For more information about how your company start supporting young leaders to create positive change in the world - and infuse your company with the positive stories of their success, please contact pia@wyse-ngo.org.
Gifts in Kind
You may be a able to offer us gifts in kind in the form of products or services. This could include fundraising support, computer equipment, flights and train tickets, writing materials, whatever you might have to offer that would help our programmes. Please do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you! info@wyse-ngo.org
Philantropy and major gifts
“The way we educate the youth and leaders of tomorrow must also change, we must seize the moment to liberate and mobilize minds to face these challenges with strength and purpose.”
Kofi Annan, Former United Nations Secretary General
Help young leaders who are making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. We work with young people from all around the world who are addressing the challenges of humanity. Join us in our vision to create real change in the world by investing in a network of values based young leaders who are making real change in their communities and beyond. For every International Leadership Programme we receive over 2000 hours of volunteer time from leadership professionals.
If you're an individual or representing a trust or foundation and considering supporting WYSE International’s work, thank you. Our team can work closely with you to make sure you get the most out of your support and your gift makes a meaningful difference to the young leaders we work with. There are many ways to support WYSE International’s work, if you would like to support a specific project please get in touch info@wyse-ngo.org.
WYSE International is affiliated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (formerly United Nations Department for Public Information) and we support the ideals and vision of the UN for a more inclusive and cooperative global community.
WYSE Global Changemakers Programme
Sponsor a cohort of our WYSE Global Change Makers Programme. We want to expand our programme to make an even bigger impact for the Sustainable Development Goals. For our last programme we received 10 worthy applications for every place.
Online leadership programme
Fund the development and expansion of our new Online Leadership Programme, accessible for free. Help us improve and develop the programme content to offer it in more languages and improve the user experience.
In person programmes
Fund a young leader to attend our International Leadership Programme including visas and travel costs. You can chose to sponsor someone from a specific region or area of work.
Fund bursaries for a whole International Leadership Programme. You would be welcome to attend a part of the programme and meet the participants, we would also be able to offer reporting and thank you publicly on our website and social media.
Currently all of our operations are delivered through commited volunteers apart from administrative functions. We are looking for partners to help us:
Extend and support our volunteer, staff and coaching capacity.
Expand even greater impact by developing our operational capacity
Expand our operations by hiring a staff member to work on funding applications and alumni support.
Plans and goals
Young people who are motivated to create positive social change face a lack of opportunities to engage in a stimulating and enriching environment that supports them to connect to their values, learn from other cultures, draw inspiration from role models and identify leadership ideas to pursue.
From now until 2030, WYSE International has ambitious plans focussed on equity, acessibility and service. We want to become even better at identifying people who will make a massive impact and have the capacity to support them. We want to engage more hard to reach people, creating opportunities for people with lived experience of the changes we need to see in the world. We want to better help alumni to support each other and create opportunities for ongoing development and connections to funding sources for alumni projects.
Legal information
WYSE International is a registered charity and non-govenmental organisation (NGO) recognised by the the United Nations Department of Global Communications (formerly the United Nations Department for Public Information). Our funding comes from a range of individuals and organisations who feel inspired to support young emerging leaders who aim to lead positive change in the world, primarily fromm individual donors and from in-kind expertise from leadership professionals who deliver our programmes. We do not recieve statutory funding from any governments.
Our spending is overseen by our Board of Trustees who hold responsibility for the governance of the charity. In line with our mission to support as many young people as possible and to widen access to global leadership education. 100% of donations are spent on offering bursaries. We keep costs low by not operating a physical office, and our work is primarily staffed by professionals who give their time on a pro-bono basis. Further information about our finances can be found on the UK Charity Commission's website here.
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