John Cummings John Cummings

Amanda Harvey

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : Canadian

Social work; work force development and training; executive coaching; health and wellbeing

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : Canadian

Social work; work force development and training; executive coaching; health and wellbeing

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John Cummings John Cummings

Stefan Fothe

Lives in : Australia
Nationality : German

Instructional design; leadership development; work force development

Lives in : Australia
Nationality : German

Instructional design; leadership development; work force development

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John Cummings John Cummings

Andrée Samuel French

Lives in : France
Nationality : French

Psychotherapy; leadership development; creativity

Lives in : France
Nationality : French

Psychotherapy; leadership development; creativity

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John Cummings John Cummings

Charles Brook

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : British

Business management; leadership development; executive coaching

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : British

Business management; leadership development; executive coaching

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John Cummings John Cummings

Dr Andrea Cardillo

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Philosophy; leadership development; executive coaching

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Philosophy; leadership development; executive coaching

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John Cummings John Cummings

Fabio Romano

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Ecology; physical therapy; leadership development

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Ecology; physical therapy; leadership development

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John Cummings John Cummings

Hazel Carey

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : South African

Drama and creativity; community development; counselling

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : South African

Drama and creativity; community development; counselling

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John Cummings John Cummings

Giulia Cardillo

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Psychology; work force training and development; leadership development

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Psychology; work force training and development; leadership development

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John Cummings John Cummings

John Cummings

Lives in : UK
Nationality : British

Partnerships and collaboration; online innovation and crowdsourcing

Lives in : UK
Nationality : British

Partnerships and collaboration; online innovation and crowdsourcing

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John Cummings John Cummings

Mariella Lancia

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Education; psychotherapy; health and wellbeing

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Italian

Education; psychotherapy; health and wellbeing

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John Cummings John Cummings

Michael Harvey

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : British

Management consultancy; sustainability strategy; executive coaching

Lives in : United Kingdom
Nationality : British

Management consultancy; sustainability strategy; executive coaching

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John Cummings John Cummings

Michaela-Leocadia Hartsecu

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Romanian

Psychology; executive coaching

Lives in : Italy
Nationality : Romanian

Psychology; executive coaching

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John Cummings John Cummings

Rodrigo Lolato Pereira

Lives in : Brazil
Nationality : Brazilian

Engineering; leadership development; executive coaching

Lives in : Brazil
Nationality : Brazilian

Engineering; leadership development; executive coaching

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John Cummings John Cummings

Sonoe Hiramatsu

Lives in : Japan
Nationality : Japanese

Medicine; psychotherapy

Lives in : Japan
Nationality : Japanese

Medicine; psychotherapy

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