James Mills
Nationality: British
Living in: London
Programmes: ILP 2008 - Italy
I applied to be part of WYSE at a key transition point in my life. I was about to move to London from my home town in order to make progress in my career. Almost a year of unsuccessful jobhunting had affected my confidence. Therefore my intention for WYSE was to gain clarity and focus for the future.
WYSE helped me to explore what had been holding me back over the previous few months. Additionally I appreciated the warmth and friendliness of my fellow participants.
The programme helped me to put things into perspective; eventually facilitating my decision to work in the charity sector for organisations bridging the gap between education and the world of work. I continue to work in this field almost seven years later and have strong ambitions for making a massive difference to the education system; including the creation of a pioneering project to help youth at risk.