Stephan Allmendinger
Nationality: German
Living in: Munich
Programmes: ILP - 2010
ALP - 2010
Helper 2011, coming up 2012
My Name is Stephan Allmendinger. I am a doctor, working with seriously ill patients in a palliative care unit at the University Hospital in Munich, Germany.
3 Years ago I founded - together with good friends - a small non-profit organisation called "Medizin und Menschlichkeit" (engl.: medicine and humanness). Our vision was to create a competent space where medical students and young doctors can discuss, explore and set into practice topics like self-development, communication skills, empathy and spirituality. We believe there is a need to cultivate heart-centred skills, to include alongside the everyday medical reality. Hand in hand with the scientific knowledge and the technical expertise of western medicine, these 'human qualities' add a very important quality when working with people seeking help.
Our little group has grown to a small movement in the German-speaking countries: We organize workshops, seminars and once a year a six-day summer school for 40 participants from all over Germany and Austria. In this little time we have become a home for many like-minded people and we inspired others to form local groups in their towns.
What this has to do with WYSE? Almost everything I would say... It was in July 2010 when I attended my fist leadership training at the ILP in Italy. I learned so much there on different levels and used these insights with my group at home: I learned to trust myself and to access my inner potential. I also learned that there a many brilliant people in this world, each and everybody with the wish to make this world a better place. And I learned that it is possible to deal with seemingly overwhelming difficulties – using the power of shared purpose, clear vision and the skills to work together as a team. WYSE is much more to me than a course that one visits – it is a family of intent, a brilliant light of wisdom and courage in this world. I am very happy to be still in contact with the people from WYSE and I am looking forward to this summer's ILP where I will be in a helping role.